Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What Toastmasters Mean to You?

Toastmasters, especially Hardhats, could mean more than just giving speeches at 7am Friday mornings. It could mean catching up with friends, meeting new friends, listening to Ice Breaker speeches (a real treat at Hardhats) and having a delicious meal of eggs, bacon, fruit and pastries. Yumm! Please take a moment to share memorable moments at Hardhats Toastmasters!


  1. Awesome Speeches Today!!! This shows what is possible with some effort!! You can do that to!!

  2. What a great meeting with Jim Tucker! He gave us all some great future speech ideas. I expect that he will do very well giving that as a corporate seminar.

  3. I'm so sorry I missed the last meeting! I heard that it was hilarious with three excellent speeches. The quality of challenge and entertainment at the typical meeting is incredible.
