Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Roasting Time....

This Friday, January 30th we'll be roasting someone very special and who brings so much to our club that words alone can't express. But we still need to give her a's the rules ;-)

If you have no idea what we're talking about, just maybe you need to come see for yourself. We'll even treat you to breakfast if it's your first time visit!

Oh, Yes We Can!!

Friday 1/23/09, we had one spectular meeting! There was something in air...attitudes were fun, light and airy. Ralph talked and demonstrated verbal and nonverbal communication. Ben also demonstrated and entertained us with a light hearted presentation on fruit. Whoever thought fruit and communication could be a fun topic....these guys did!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


If you haven't already heard....we've been alive and kickin' every Friday morning in San Diego at 7am for 35 years!! There's a contagious energy that goes with this group of dynamic people we call Hardhats Toastmasters. Please visit our website for how we got our name and the location and time to visit us. That's right you're invited, we're open to the public and your first visit is free.

We look forward to meeting you....